Wednesday, August 03, 2011

spanish school, zip lining and more

The sign across the way is a nice way to find where our homestay is. For those of you who know my sense of direction that is obviously a good thing. You see all kinds of wagons with horses and oxen. Motorcycles with the driver wearing a helmet which could be a baseball helmet. Passengers never seem to wear helmets unless they are from somewhere else.

Today in language school we learned how to say what our profession is. "Mi es professora da yoga" but yoga sounds like joga. So at break time the instructors did "joga" a little with me. More to come. I gave my instructor homework to look up some words for me with yoga.

This afternoon we went zip lining and although fun went by very quickly. Beautiful "bonita" views of San Juan Del Sur. Elizabeth was too light to do the ziplining herself so she rode with one of the guides.

We have done lots of walking and exploring of the town. I'm still trying to get used to all the men checking Emma out. Our tall blonde hair blue eyed beauty certainly stands out. We have also learned that with your bank card you can only use an ATM not the bank teller and can only take out so much a day. To "pagar" emphasis on the ah sound is to pay to pagar emphasis on an a sound is to punch someone. Pronunciation is muey importante. So tomorrow we hope to take out enough to finally pay our language school. In Canada we would not pick up someone from the airport, have them take two days of language school and a homestay with all their meals. Book a ziplining canopy tour and not be paid yet. Nicaraguans so far are friendly and very gracious. Although they do think our familia is full of tramposas which translates to "cheaters". We all like to cheat with our notes in Spanish class.


rob said...

That is awesome. How fast does that thing go? btw, last time I talked to you guys you were going to take the last week to do fun stuff...

Sharon said...

Not a clue how fast but stinkin fast. Who said language school can't also be fun. That is why we picked a great little beach town.