Friday, August 12, 2011

San Juan del Sur-school, family, bus ride

We all graduated from language school but we're not sure with how much additional Spanish. Hopefully it will click and we can help each other out. We are grateful for the patient teachers and hope for more patient informal teachers along the way.

Our host family consisted of Susanna the mother and head of the family. Her son William his wife and two children. Along with two other girls who live with the family. We never did figure out their relationship to the family.

Glenda a family friend would put up a stand each night selling, were not exactly sure, refresca (drinks) and some sort of fried plantain with a topping that resembled coleslaw. We didn't try it.

Good bye to San Juan del Sur and all the people we have met there. Our language school was in the second storey of the directors house. Right next to the Pali which is a local grocery store.

Our bus ride to Managua was an adventure. We caught the wrong blue bus direc to Managua. Ours stopped about 15 times and for the first 20 minutes we were standing squished in to a very full bus. We saw the nicer two colour blue bus whiz past us with a bathroom on board. Which Elizabeth would have loved because she had to pee 5 minutes into our two hour trip. In the end we got seats, and it only cost us about $3 per person.

1 comment:

Em and Con said...

Wow! I 'm just reading your blog for the first time today. What an adventure you've had! May God continue to bless you all. We're praying for you :)
Con and Em