Thursday, July 07, 2011

Majority Church

Last Thursday we had our orientation with CRWM (Christian Reformed World Missions). Lots to think about and still doing reading to get prepared. Spanish is not being acquired as quickly as I had hoped. Once in Nicaragua the exposure will increase the amount we learn to speak by necessity/necesito alone.

One book I'm reading is, Serving with Eyes Wide Open-doing short term missions with cultural intelligence by David A. Livermore. He talks about the majority church. A "typical" Christian may not fit the profile you first think of. The vast majority are *young *nonwhite *poor *theologically conservative and female.

"The western church is not the trendsetting center of Christianity" to quote David. None of the 50 largest churches in the world are found in North America. On average 35,000 conversions occur in Latin America daily. Todays estimates are over 480 million Christians in Latin America alone.

So again we are reminded to go with the idea of soaking in what God is doing in Nicaragua and learning from these experiences. Gaining understanding, encouragement and being challenged by those in the majority.

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