Thursday, October 12, 2006

Emma's horsey birthday

For Emma's 8th birthday it was all about horses. She had a great time with her friend Julianna from Brampton. They went horse back riding, watched a horse movie, had a horse pinata and of course had a horse cake.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Much belated Happy Birthday Emma! Garret has a horse costume for Halloween this year. He would have fit right in! Maybe you and Megan can go horseriding together next time we're visiting. She's taking lessons at school - so far she complains about a lot of new aches and pains but I think she's getting used to trotting finally since she actually said her last lesson was good and she had no complaints.

Thanks for lending Megan some Magic Tree House books this summer, she loved reading them. We hope you're having a fantastic fall Emma!