Wednesday, December 27, 2006

McFarlane Christmas

We celebrated Christmas on the McFarlane side on Boxing Day. We hosted brunch with barely awake children and did the stocking exchange. The funniest moment was when my Uncle Don asked if Jeremiah was our oldest daughter. Mike and Jen hosted dinner and the gift opening at their house. Interesting how people without kids buy the loud presents but that smile is priceless.

Wildeboer Christmas

Almost everyone was home for Christmas in the Wildeboer family. Great Grandpa DeKorte (93) came up from Florida. Rob and Christine from Chicago. Then everyone else arrived from the GTA. It made for 21 in attendance, 11 adults and 10 kids. Barb called from France to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from across the Atlantic Ocean. We were so busy visiting with everyone we neglected to take more pictures so we look forward to seeing everyone else's pictures of the day.

Christmas Eve at home

We started our Christmas celebrations with our immediate family on Christmas Eve. We enjoyed a quiet night together before our travels began.

Green to White - Rink Time

Well finally we have a picture of snow. Which our exchange student from Mexico had requested some time ago. Here you go Ivan. It was a green Christmas but now we have some snow. This will hopefully help with the giant ice rink Doug and Jeremiah set up. They got some forms from a job Doug was working at with an arena. So again it fits with Doug's mentality of go big. We will post pictures of the ice rink once it has some ice on it.